Boxwood Care: 3 Ways to Ensure Your Plants Thrive
Boxwoods are beloved by many North Carolinians. Not only are these small shrubs versatile, but they also add bright evergreen foliage wherever you need it. However, caring for boxwood isn’t easy, which is why so many homeowners call on Nature’s Select Triangle. We have boxwood care programs designed to help your bushes thrive. Still, there are three initial steps you can take to ensure their survival.

1. Choose the Right Location
Boxwoods perform at their best when they have full sun to partly shady conditions. When selecting where to plan your new foliage, consider the climate. North Carolina summers tend to be dry and hot, and winters cold and windy. So, plant your boxwood in a place where they have adequate sun, but protection from the harsh winter winds.2. Plant at the Proper Depth
Boxwoods tend to have a shallow root system, so planting them at the correct depth will ensure survival. Your main goal when planting new boxwoods is to have the root ball sitting at just 1/8 inch above the soil’s surface. This will allow them to settle properly without sinking into the ground. From there, you can provide a two- to three-inch layer of mulch to keep the roots cool and conserve soil.3. Fertilize Properly
With proper care and fertilization, your boxwoods will thrive. However, most people forget or fail to fertilize, which increases the chances of boxwood diseases and pests. These bushes tend to respond well to fertilizer applications rich in nitrogen, so you’ll want to make sure you use the right formula. Furthermore, keep in mind that boxwoods have a root system that can easily be damaged by the wrong fertilizer.We’ll Care for Your Boxwood
Do you yearn for a landscape full of green foliage? Then boxwood bushes are for you. However, caring for them can be tricky and often time-consuming. Thankfully, Nature’s Select Triangle has the perfect boxwood program for homeowners throughout Chapel Hill and Durham, NC. We also treat tree diseases and lawn pests. So, get a free estimate for any of our programs by calling (919) 240-4239.