Why Late Summer Is Prime Time for Lawn Disease

August 25, 2024 | Lawn Care

As late summer temperatures soar and humidity levels rise, lawns in North Carolina become more susceptible to a range of fungal diseases. At Nature’s Select™ Premium Turf Services, Inc., we understand that lawn disease can be frustrating, especially when your yard has thrived all season. Late summer conditions provide the perfect breeding ground for lawn diseases. Here’s what you need to know about some common issues and how to combat them effectively.

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Common Lawn Diseases in North Carolina

May 19, 2023 | Lawn Care

Maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn is a key aspect of a beautiful home landscape. However, there are a number of lawn diseases that can affect the appearance and health of your lawn. Four common fungal diseases that affect lawns are brown patch, gray leaf spot, red thread, and pythium blight. Understanding the symptoms and causes of these diseases can help you identify and treat them effectively. Continue reading to learn more from the team at Nature’s Select™ Premium Turf Services, Inc.

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