Tag: common lawn diseases

How to Prevent Lawn Rust

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If you’re a homeowner, the health and appearance of your lawn are likely high on your list of concerns this spring. Enter lawn rust, a pesky issue that can turn your lush green grass into a rust-colored eyesore. Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up to a vibrant, healthy lawn this spring? We’ll guide you […]

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3 Easy Steps for Spotting Lawn Fungus

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As a homeowner, spotting lawn fungus sooner rather than later is critical. Fungus can be caused by many things, but most commonly, it’s due to excessive moisture and lack of sunlight. The good news is there are three easy steps you can follow to spot a lawn fungus before it causes serious damage. Then, call […]

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3 Types of Lawn Diseases

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After spending time and money on your lawn, the last thing you want to see is a defect. But the truth of the matter is, your lawn is a living, breathing organism, and you should let Nature’s Select Piedmont care for it. We know all the types of lawn diseases and fungi that can take […]

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